Tarryn Frost

Tarryn Frost

Trainer ID:



Somerset West, Cape Town


Tarryn is a BEd qualified Educator with 7 years experience in the Foundation Phase. She currently teaches Grade 1 and also holds responsibility as Grade Head. Tarryn has been using the Jolly Phonics programme for over 3 years and has seen tremendous results in her students' ability to read and write.

What Tarryn loves most about Jolly Phonics, is that it is engaging for young children and appeals to various learning styles. The children she teaches are learning valuable skills while having fun! What impresses Tarryn the most, is that after only the first 12 weeks of learning the letter sounds, children are able to decode words successfully as well as form letters correctly. By the end of Grade 1, they are confident readers who are able to read and write at an increasingly higher level than taught through any other programme.

I believe in Jolly Phonics and have seen, first hand the wonderful way in which it develops a love and passion for reading and writing. Tarryn would love to share with others how using this programme will benefit the children each year, as well as improve ones own teaching methodologies and to share strategies to support children as they embark on their journey of reading and writing!

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Tarryn