Sheba Kafwimbi Moyo

Sheba Kafwimbi Moyo

Trainer ID:



Ndola, Copperbelt Province

Trainer Consultant

Sheba is a qualified Early Childhood Education Teacher Trainer who holds a Bachelor of Arts with Education (Civic Education and English). She has over 11 years of teaching experience and began using Jolly Phonics almost 3 years ago. She instantly saw an amazing difference in results after using Jolly Phonics. Sheba has seen children progress a number of reading levels within just six months of using the programme. Not only has she seen how it shapes children into competent readers, it also gives them the confidence to attempt to read words that they have never seen or heard before. Jolly Phonics essentially equips her students with the skills to explore the world of reading on their own.

Sheba can offer training in Jolly Phonics, teaching the five basic skills of the programme. She is available to give tips on classroom management and classroom based activities that teachers can do in both small and large classes.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Sheba