Nasiib Kaleebu

Nasiib Kaleebu

Trainer ID:





Nasiib has over 10 years of demonstrable professional experience in teaching and training at elementary, secondary and University level. In collaboration with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) and the National Department of Education in Papua New Guinea (January 2012 to December 2013), Nasiib used the Jolly Phonics approach to implement the SMS Story pilot – a randomized controlled trial that tested the effectiveness of sending daily text messages and lesson plans to teachers in elementary classrooms on children’s reading ability.

Nasiib is also a Results-Based Management subject expert, and he has leveraged this expertise to design and implement robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to track children and staff performance at Greencare School. He holds a Master of Arts in Economic Policy and Planning; Master of Philosophy in Programme Evaluation; Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation, and a Bachelor of Arts with Education.

Nasiib is happy to share this expertise with the Jolly Family and other teachers and schools.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Nasiib