Esther D

Esther Dewornu

Trainer ID:





Esther graduated from the University College of Education with a diploma in Basic Education and currently pursuing her degree in Basic Education. She was using other phonics programmes until 2012 when she first came across Jolly Phonics and immediately switched her teaching to this programme and has been teaching with it ever since.

Esther has said the use of Jolly Phonics to teach reading has bought so much success to Esther and her students as far as reading and writing is concerned. Esther's school was noted for very poor academic work, due to the inability of the students being able to read, but now the illiteracy among the students had reduced drastically, especially for those who have been learning with Jolly Phonics in Esther's class. She believes the actions and the songs are so unique and have made the programme engaging for children.

Esther is currently running free Jolly Phonics lessons for pupils in my school at any level who could not read at all. The results have been awesome!  Esther is now available to travel for training needs.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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