I am a dedicated and passionate Assistant Headteacher, specialising in Early Years. I have taught Jolly Phonics for 10 years and currently Phonics Leader in my role. I love the Jolly Phonics programme and find that the multi-sensory approach to delivering sessions has a huge impact on all children, regardless of their barriers to learning. We use Jolly Phonics in a variety of ways across our school to support all children inclusive of SEND, EAL and disadvantaged. Jolly Phonics is a fantastic programme where all children have the opportunity to make rapid progress, enabling them to become fluent readers. I can offer, fun, engaging training sessions to equip staff to feel confident in delivering Jolly Phonics/Jolly Grammar and any interventions. I can work with staff and children to model the use of the programme as well as ensure staff are confident in using Jolly Phonics resources to their potential.
Dudley, West Midlands
Gemma graduated with a BA(Hons) and a PGCE specialism in Early Years. During her time at university, Gemma came across Jolly Phonics and saw the potential of the programme in her teaching. She has taught in local primary schools for the past 18 years, as well as being Strategic Leader for EYFS, KS1 and English. Gemma has used Jolly Phonics, and then Grammar during all of her teaching years. She has experience implementing the programmes in Reception, Year One, Two, Three, Four and Five in a number of schools across Early Years, KS1 and KS2. Jolly Phonics and Grammar has never ceased to amaze Gemma! "To think that a child can begin their formal education in September with little knowledge of reading, to becoming a reader and writer after just eight weeks is phenomenal" states Gemma. She believes that reading is the key to the world. Gemma can offer support with setting up and implementing Jolly Phonics and Grammar in your school from Early Years through to KS2. This can include phonics training for teachers, teaching assistances and parents, alternative whole school Inset days, twilight sessions or specific training for individuals, year groups or phases.
Tamsin has taught using Jolly Phonics for around fifteen years. She initially used the Jolly Phonics guidance to work my way through the 7 week basic code, learning the sounds and actions alongside the children. At the end of the first cycle it was evident how inspirational the programme was and she has used it ever since with foundation stage and year one children, always achieving outstanding progress and results using Jolly Phonics. Her work for ten years as an AST has involved disseminating best practice in all areas. She has provided phonics training (in secondary schools too) and has spoken at Early Years conferences, courses and moderation events. Additionally, she has led presentations for parents so they can begin to understand how her schools teach their children to read and write. Tamsin strongly believe that Jolly Phonics works so successfully because she teaches it within a rich, literate, play-based environment. Children have outstanding provision to learn the key skills of phonics and apply these skills in their independent learning in a range of classroom zones, always underpinning phonics and all early years teaching by providing a stimulating and imaginative classroom environment. She has taught using child-led and motivating topics, linking phonics to a rich literature based programme with inspiring books and open ended learning.
Tanya qualified from the University of the West of England in 1997 with a BA Hons (QTS) and a specialism in English. She is an aspirational, visionary teacher with an unshakable belief in achieving high standards of education for all. She has supported, coached and mentored school leadership teams including SLT’s, subject leaders and class teachers in local authority schools and within academy trusts through a variety of education roles. This includes being a Specialist Leader in Education and as a Local Authority Teaching and Learning Consultant. "I am first and foremost a teacher who believes in ensuring excellent outcomes for all. I have taught across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 and my areas of expertise include phonic development and using these skills in reading and writing. I have had considerable experience using Jolly Phonics and Grammar – seeing children learn and embed these key life skills and enabling them to access the wider curriculum is a key driver in everything I do. I train and develop colleagues using highly effective interpersonal skills, building open and honest relationships, sharing subject knowledge and a passion for children’s learning. Training and support has been provided for all school stakeholders including Governors, Teaching Assistants and parents. I also hold the National SENDCo award and have significant experience of ensuring interventions match children’s needs."