Bhavika Manghwani

Bhavika Manghwani

Trainer ID:



Mumbai, Maharashtra


Bhavika has completed a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Bachelor's in Education and a Masters in English Literature. She has been an educator for 15 years and has previously worked in some of the best schools across India.

She firmly believes that Jolly Phonics is the most fun, interactive, efficient and inclusive method for teaching reading and writing as well as spelling and grammar that every child deserves.

Bhavika is passionate to share her knowledge and experience with others globally so that teachers and parents can realise how much they can benefit from using Jolly Phonics. She would like to show everyone that it is possible for any teacher to take advantage of this programme and make a real difference.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Bhavika