Anagha Bahulikar

Anagha Bahulikar

Trainer ID:



Pune, Maharashta


Anagha, a post-graduate in science with strong research background (3 papers published in International Journal) has been teaching Jolly Phonics for over six years to teachers and children. She started teaching to perceive her vision to make a ‘Fun Filled Education for Better Tomorrow’. She has extensive exposure to guide a wide spectrum of teachers who are associated with schools from backgrounds ranging from high profile students to economically weaker sections, and all in-between. The vast experience she holds to deploy the teaching across this spectrum reflects how the strength of the methodology can be applied in various domains. Furthermore, exposure to bilingual schools has shown an excellent acceptance and deployment of the methodology with ease. Anagha is also actively associated with senior trainers to deploy adoption programs across Pan India.

Anagha has trained over 500 teachers over the last three years. Working with kids is a special passion which Anagha holds and she runs special engagements with students in her vicinity. The importance and joy of learning a new language can be best known when you see children from a vernacular medium around you learn a new way to read and express their thoughts in English. Jolly Phonics methodology has proved to be a key transformation agent which has reflected this change.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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