Zaibunnissa Sadozai

Zaibunnissa Sadozai

Trainer ID:





Zaibunnissa completed her Masters in International Relations in 1997 from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. She began her career as a Primary Teacher soon after finishing her Masters and served in many prestigious schools within Pakistan. She also spent time in Virginia, USA as the lead teacher in a pre-school there.

Zaibunnissa was first introduced to synthetic phonics in 2007, but it wasn't until 2014 that she came across and started teaching with Jolly Phonics, with English as her major subject. As a teacher using Jolly Phonics, she experienced amazing developments in the reading and writing skills of children, especially the children with poor visual skills. Currently Zaibunnissa is working as a Vice Principal and teacher of Jolly Phonics at her school, but has been involved in the AFAQ Adoption of Jolly Phonics with Ms. Sadaf Asif.

"Reading is the lost heritage in our society and as a English teacher my aim is to promote the reading skills among children on a larger scale in my country." Zaibunnissa Sadozai

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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