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Petre Julieta Gratiana

Trainer ID:




Also serves:

Romania and beyond


Julieta teaches Jolly Phonics, Jolly Grammar 1 and Jolly Music courses in a school based in Bucharest. With 25 years teaching experience in state and private schools in Bucharest and Verona, Julieta is a teacher trainer in “Cooperative Learning in CLIL Contexts” (University of Verona) as well as a Jolly Phonics trainer. Co-author of books related to “CL in CLIL Contexts”, Julieta founded her own Professional Development Centre called Cooperative Learning Academy of Snagov (CLAS). Here she runs experiential workshops where teachers ‘learn by doing’, combining Jolly Phonics with CL strategies to activate students’ cognitive and metacognitive dimensions.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Petre