Ocloo Elvera Sena

Ocloo Elvera Sena

Trainer ID:





Elvera holds qualifications for Post Secondary Education, Marketing and Human Resource Management and has over 25 years of teaching experience at various levels of learners; from early years to adults. She is an adaptable and creative teacher, always finding ways to engage with her learners.

Elvera has been teaching with Jolly Phonics for the past five years at the pre-school level. This programme has given her the upper hand to excel as the best KG teacher in 2017 for the GA-South Municipality, a huge achievement with thanks to Jolly Phonics!

Elvera has found with Jolly Phonics, her pupils have a much better understanding of how to read and write, as well as pronounce the English language correctly. She has noticed they read with ease and with confidence, develop a good accent as well as a wide range of vocabulary, and they write independently. She is ready to help anyone achieve the same results.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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