Kazhin Mahsoem

Kazhin Mahsoem

Trainer ID:



Kurdistan / Duhok


I have successfully completed my B.A. degree in English Language. Over the past ten years, I have enjoyed working with young learners as a homeroom teacher in an IB school in Duhok. I am passionate about education, and how education can really change lives and society.

I started using Jolly Phonics in 2016 and noticed excellent results in students' reading and writing skills as well as their pronunciation and comprehension of texts. I can’t describe in words how happy and lucky I am to teach my English classes with Jolly Phonics.

It is a fantastic, fun and engaging way to teach. Before Jolly Phonics I felt something was missing, but now the students have the necessary tools to read and write in English. It is truly one of the best gifts that I have been given as an educator. I would like to share my experience with others so that they can benefit from and to ensure that no child is left behind.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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