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Falak Randerian

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All over India and other countries.


Falak Randerian runs an institute called ‘My Little Chatterbox’, which is based in Bangalore. She was introduced to Jolly Phonics while working with children some years back. She saw results how Jolly Phonics gives children the tools and confidence to read and write effectively. Falak has successfully used Jolly Phonics with children at her centre, where they are treated as individuals and programmes are customised based on the child’s requirement.

She has been using the Jolly Phonics programme with children aged between 3.5-7 years and has achieved amazing results with them. Falak has also trained teachers and schools on Jolly Phonics. Recently, Falak has launched Jolly Grammar at the centre. She is based in Bangalore, but is willing to travel across India for training.

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

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