
Evelyn Forson

Trainer ID:





Evelyn is a professional teacher who graduated from the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana with a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and was awarded a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management from the University of Ghana in 2017. She also holds a Master of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education from the University of Education Winneba. She has over twenty-three years of teaching experience in the public sector of education within Ghana, and served as the Bolgatanga Municipal Early Childhood Coordinator in Ghana. Currently, she is a lecturer at St. John Bosco’s College of Education.

Evelyn assisted Universal Learning Solutions UK as a trainer for the Catholic schools’ Jolly Phonics project in Ghana in 2016. She also supported INGITJPF as a trainer to train government school teachers across various districts in Ghana.

She has been training teachers on how to teach children with reading and writing challenges, by using Jolly Phonics and has seen a great improvement in children's reading and writing abilities and wishes to share her experiences with others. In her position as a lecturer in the College of Education, Evelyn is able to offer training within Ghana and beyond!

Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics Programme

Contact Evelyn